Rev. Thomas Daniel is the Senior Pastor of the Somerton United
Methodist Church. He is ordained as an Elder at the Eastern
Pennsylvania Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church in the
year 2006. In 2003 he has been elected as a Probationary member and
was commissioned toward being an Elder in full connection in the
United Methodist Church. His first appointment was in Tobyhanna
United Methodist Church, Tobyhanna, Pa. in Mount Pocono. There he
served 8 years followed by serving in a few other churches.
Prior to coming to the United States, he served as a Pastor at the
Merebank Methodist Church in South Durban Circuit, Durban, South
Africa. There he served as a Circuit Preacher in South Durban Circuit
and preached in many churches. While he was growing up in Kerala,
India, he preached in many churches in India. He accepted the Lord’s
call at his early age and dedicated his life to serve the Lord to preach
the gospel of Jesus Christ. He is a committed Christian and a devoted
Pastor of our church. He enjoys the presence of God in Stillness and
believes in the transforming power of prayer. He is married to his wife
Anila and they have two children.